Girl checking her savings account

Supercharge Your Savings

Earn a premium 4.00% APY* on balances under $50,0001 - no monthly fees.2 Our high-yield savings account helps your money grow, while still giving you the freedom to access it whenever you need.

Open Rewards Savings



Piggy Bank Animation

More Rewards for Saving - You've Earned It

Got a Rewards Checking or Cash Back Checking account? Great news - you qualify for our high-yield Rewards Savings account! Earn 4.00% APY* on balances under $50,0001 and reach your financial goals faster. And as a bonus, there are no monthly maintenance fees, so you get to keep more of your money.

Whether you're saving for a rainy day, a big purchase, or your future plans, our high-yield savings account (HYSA) helps you make the most of every dollar. Plus, with unlimited access to your funds, you can grow your savings without locking your money away.

Open Rewards Savings

Compare the National Average to the First Fed Rewards Savings Account.



Yearly Interest Earned


Interest Rate
0.41% APY*



Yearly Interest Earned


Interest Rate
4.00% APY*

Don't have a Rewards Checking or Cash Back Checking account yet? No problem! You can choose the checking account that fits you best and open it alongside your Rewards Savings - all in one easy application.

Open Rewards Checking with Savings

Open Cash Back Checking with Savings

Our checking accounts feature:

Online Banking Icon

Online Banking

Easy access to all mobile deposit, Bill Pay, P2P payments, and more!

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking

Monitor your accounts on the go with our Mobile Banking app.


37,000+ in-network ATMs

Free nationwide access to cash withdrawals. ATM finder.

Customer Support

Customer Support

We’re here to help via live chat, over the phone at 800-800-1577, and in-person at one of our branches.






1How can I earn 4.00% APY* on my Rewards Savings?

As long as you have an open Rewards Checking or Cash Back Checking account, you qualify for our premium APY.


2Is there a maintenance fee on this account?

There is no monthly maintenance fee on our Rewards Savings account!


Rewards Savings

Balance Interest Rate APY* Type of Interest Minimum to Open
Qualifying balances** less than $50,000 4.00% 4.00% Simple $25
Qualifying balances** >= $50,000 1.00% 4.00%-3.00%*** Simple $25
Non-Qualifying balances** 0.05% 0.05% Simple $25

Interest Rates Effective: 01/27/2025

Revised: 01/24/2025

Accounts closed within 90 days of opening will be assessed a $15 early closing fee.

*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. APY assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for one year at the same interest rate. Interest rates and APYs subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.  

**The interest rate/APY you earn will depend on whether you meet the Premium Rate/APY Rewards Qualifications for each monthly statement cycle as outlined in your Rewards Savings Truth in Savings Disclosure. If you don’t meet the Rewards Qualifications, your entire balance will earn the non-qualifying interest rate and APY. 

***The APY range assumes a sample deposit of $75,000.